Nifty ended on a positive note amid volatility. The benchmark index Sensex gained close to 100 points after a tepid start in the opening bell. Asian markets ended mixed in trade today. European markets were trading strong at this point of time. Dow Future was trading flat.
India and the United States should consider a bilateral economic partnership agreement, Trade Minister Anand Sharma said on Tuesday.
Southeast Asian economies need to shift towards less expansionary fiscal and monetary policies as they recover from the global economic downturn, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said in a report published on Tuesday.
Global Cues:
Asian stocks dropped Tuesday as markets pulled back from a rally that has driven some of the region's benchmarks to record highs. He key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Singapore fell by between 0.04% to 1.02%. But, the key benchmark indices in Indonesia and Taiwan rose by between 0.04% to 0.16%.
European stocks climbed, sending the Stoxx Europe 600 Index to a two-year high, after companies from Vodafone Group Plc to Adecco SA announced earnings that beat analysts estimates. U.S. futures and Asian shares declined.
The euro extended its losses on Tuesday on renewed concerns about high sovereign debt in the euro zone, providing further respite for the dollar and prompting some profit-taking in stocks.
India and the United States should consider a bilateral economic partnership agreement, Trade Minister Anand Sharma said on Tuesday.
Southeast Asian economies need to shift towards less expansionary fiscal and monetary policies as they recover from the global economic downturn, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said in a report published on Tuesday.
Global Cues:
Asian stocks dropped Tuesday as markets pulled back from a rally that has driven some of the region's benchmarks to record highs. He key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Singapore fell by between 0.04% to 1.02%. But, the key benchmark indices in Indonesia and Taiwan rose by between 0.04% to 0.16%.
European stocks climbed, sending the Stoxx Europe 600 Index to a two-year high, after companies from Vodafone Group Plc to Adecco SA announced earnings that beat analysts estimates. U.S. futures and Asian shares declined.
The euro extended its losses on Tuesday on renewed concerns about high sovereign debt in the euro zone, providing further respite for the dollar and prompting some profit-taking in stocks.
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